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All Articles, from Most Recent at the Top, to Oldest at the Bottom
(use your browser to search [Control F in Windows, Command F in a Mac] for text, i.e., key words in the titles to find articles on a particular topic)
(The author is John Spritzler unless otherwise indicated.)
Very important KEY articles about egalitarianism
- Covid-19 Death Panels, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Body bags is US Covid-19 strategy, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- The Scorpion and the Forest, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Another View of Fossil Fuels & Why Nuclear Energy Is Unconscionable
- U.S. Hospitals Close During Raging Pandemic! by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- The Famous "Stanford Prison" and Yale "Obedience to Authority" Experiments
- Pandemics and Profits--How the Covid-19 exceptions prove the rule, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- The Civil War WAS about Slavery (a long explanation by a person on Quora.)
- Bernie Sanders & Dwight Eisenhower & Taxing Billionaires
- Henry Ford Did NOT Pay His Workers High Wages So They Could Buy His Cars
- Class Domination, Social Hierarchy and the Fight for Equality, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Jimmy Carter: Myth vs. Reality
- Racists Were Properly Denied the Right to Vote by the 1865 Missouri State Constitution
- It Is Morally Wrong to Support the "Two State Solution" for Israel/Palestine
- The "National Interest" Is a Bogus Concept
- The Democratic and Republican Parties Serve the Same Plutocracy, But in Very DIFFERENT Ways
- A 'Neutral Press" Is a BAD Idea
- Escaping from the Inescapable Casino of “Free” Market Capitalism by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- The Dangerous New American Medical Delivery System, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Separation of Church and State is a Bogus Concept
- Banner with more than 500 photos of people in Brighton, MA (02135) declaring they aim for egalitarian revolution. (It's a 1.2 GB PDF file that takes a half hour or so to download.) The photos are online in high definition at https://www.flickr.com/photos/182436693@N06/ .
- Winstanley & The Diggers--The Spiritual and Political Storyof a Seventeenth Century Communist Movement, By David Spritzler
Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Profits—
From Popcorn Lung to Vaping Lung, the Systemic Criminal Negligence of America Inc., by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Attention Anti-Zionist
- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Explanation that Jim Crow Harmed Working Class Whites As Well As Blacks
- This is How Jim Crow Was Used to HARM, Not Benefit, the Poor Whites of the South
- How to Create Some Angry Young White Men
US Medicine’s Message to Black Men: We Won’t Spend a Dime to Find Your Cancer! by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Beautiful poster of photos of egalitarian revolutionaries in my neighborhood
- Sometimes a "Trivial" Issue Isn't Trivial at ALL
- Drag Queen Children's Story Hours in Public Libraries
- The Truth about the Mayflower Colonists that Pro-Capitalist Propagandist Jeff Jacoby Must Hide
- Most People Are Egalitarians
- The Fact That Americans Need To Be Deceived Into War Proves Their Underlying Goodness, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Beware of the Gallup Poll
- Should There Be Any Government At All?
- The American "Founding Fathers" Were Enemies of "We the People"
- Gilets Jaunes [Yellow Vests] Assembly Calls for National Week of Action (and uses voluntary federation to act democratically for all of France) , by the ROAR colletive
- Good Reforms Are Not & Were Not Won by Electing 'Good' Politicians
- Not Nonviolence, But Class Struggle--Often Violent--Made Norway's Rulers Grant Big Concessions
- Why the Notorious Racist, LBJ, Made Sure the 1964 Civil Rights Act that Ended a Century of Jim Crow Segregation Laws Was Passed
- WHEN and HOW WILL A.I. be O.K. ??? by Nayvin Gordon
- Evidence that Israeli/Zionist Leaders Want Jews to Die at the Hands of Apparent Anti-Semites
- An Illustration of Leftist Contempt for Ordinary People
- The "Iceland Did it Right" Myth
- How the Jim Crow Laws Harmed the Poor Whites in the South
- Flyer for Soldiers Being Sent to Mexican Border (by VfP)
- The 'Radical 60s' Versus Today: Why the Change?
- If You Think the Purpose of Government Propaganda Is to Make People Believe It, You're Wrong
- What "New Math," Transgender "Bathroom" Laws, and Affirmative Action All Have in Common
- Leftist I-93 Blockers: What Did They Intend to, and Actually, Do?
- When Did the U.S. Government Start Being Hostile to Ordinary Americans?
- My Thoughts about 'Holocaust Denial'
- Be a Good Republican and Support Occupy Wall Street (written in December 2011)
- The New Jim Crow (this is not a stand alone article; it's just for reference)
- Why "Pick On" Israel? Here's Why (written in 2006)
- Facts about Smoking and Tobacco
- Bill Gates Is Not a Benign Philanthropist, Quite the Contrary
- My letter to the editor re illegal immigration; feel free to copy and send it to your local newspaper (PDF)
- (My letter above was printed by my local weekly paper under the title, "Big Money is the Enemy," online at page 14 here (pdf).
- Here's Why the Rich NEED to Treat the Rest of Us Like Dirt
- Sibling Marriage and the Law
- Small Particles with Big Problems, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Class Inequality in Israel
- Liberalism's Contempt for the Welfare of Children
- Is Egalitarianism a Free Loader's Paradise?
- Yes, We Have the Right to Limit Immigration to the USA, and the Duty to Not Abet Oppression
- How the Ruling Class Sets Progressives Up to Fail
- Three Questions For Those Who Want To Deport Illegal Immigrants from Mexico and Central America
- Book Review: They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of Whites in Early America, by Michael A. Hoffman II
- Who Listens to Conservative Talk Radio?
- Are Ordinary People the Problem or the Solution?
- Illegal Immigration and What Americans Should Do About It
- The Pernicious Change in Hollywood's Films
- What the "Existence of the State of Israel" Really Means and Why It Should NOT Exist
- Where to Find Egalitarian Revolutionaries--Lots of Them!
- The IWW in 1917--Revolutionary, Big & then Crushed. What's the Lesson?
- How to Evaluate a Politician
- Violent Repression is a Fact; What Should We Do?
- Egalitarianism in 17th Century Palmares (in Brazil)
- Liberal Arguments for Equality are Not Persuasive; Egalitarian Arguments Are
- FAQ: Why & How to have NO RICH AND NO POOR
- DNA—Capitalism’s Genetic Scapegoat by Dr. Nayvin Gordon (for more about DNA by another author see this and this.)
- Deprogramming the Masses in the USA
- Censorship USA and the Big Lie
- The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) Pours Gasoline on the Fires of Opioid Addiction by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Mass Shootings & False Flag Conspiracy Theories
- The Answer Is Not Swedish-style "Good" Capitalism Or German-style "Democratic Socialism" Capitalism Or Marxist-style Socialism
- Class Inequaliy Soars in "Social Democratic" Germany
- The Exsanguination of Medical Ethics, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Drugs, Money and Political Prostitution, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- The Way to Stop a Race War is NOT by Taking One Side In It
- Something Is More Important than Exposing the Lies and Horribleness of the Ruling Class
- Why U.S. Billionaires Could Destroy the Israel Lobby, But Don't
- Here's How the Ruling Class USES the Left
- Right and Wrong Ways for Pro- and Anti-Trump People to Unite
- The Republican Party and Sociopathology, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- (Regarding the above article, the GOP wolf bares its teeth, while the Democratic Party fox hides its villainy with a smile.)
- Kneeling for the National Anthem
- Ken Burns's The Vietnam War Is a Lie (focused on the Gulf of Tonkin incident)
- Politicians are using the Nazi “Big Lie” to cheat American workers out of their Social Security, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- America's Liberal Establishment Has Done the Heavy Lifting to Recruit Working Class Whites Into White Supremacist Organizations
- STOP the Neo-Fascist Attack on Social Security Disability Insurance, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- GOP aims to give our Social Security money to the rich, via an unconstitutional 'odious debt': Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Why Many Have-Nots Don't Like the Left
- What's the Definition of 'Racism'?
- Freedom of Association
- Don't buy the "national deficit/debt" scam that steals from working people, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Thinking about the Brain Thinking about Changing the World, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Judge Gorsuch and the Rule of WHOSE Law?
- Abolish Class Inequality
- "The Right to Free Speech" is a BOGUS Concept
- Billionaires Warn: "Don't Tread on Us"
- Free Speech, Fear and the Primitive Human Brain--the intrinsic dangers of social hierarchy, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- If Progressives Were for 'No Rich and No Poor' They Wouldn't Have Lost the Working Class: But They Weren't, and They Did
- Trump's Secret Weapon: Well-Intentioned Progressives
- The U.S. Government Secretly Backs ISIS: Links to the Evidence
- What's Our Response to Bannon's War on Islam?
- Proof the Ruling Class DELIBERATELY Manufactures "Social Issues" to Divide and Rule Us
- How the Ruling Class Uses the Abortion Issue to Divide-and-Rule
- The confession of the criminal John Kerry, by Thierry Meyssan
- Women's March 2017: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
- What's Driving the Anti-Russia Rhetoric?
- The U.S. Armed the Soviet Union During the 'Cold War'
- The Liberal Racist Offensive in Boston's Oh-So-Liberal Boston Globe
- What Now?
- How the Left Drove 53% of White Women to Vote for Trump
- Nationalism: Good or Bad?
- Exposing Murderous Police Can Enlighten White People by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Why U.S. Rulers Don't Fear Nuclear WWIII with Russia
- Are Europeans Just Naturally Racist Oppressors?
- Beware of the Universal Basic Income
- The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry--a Book Review
- "Accidents" Are No Accident" by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- White Nationalism's Crackpot "Science"
- Cancer and Public Health by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Why Does the American Ruling Plutocracy Hold Elections?
- A Genuinely Revolutionary Movement Will Not Have a BIG LEADER and Here's Why
- The Clinton/Trump Team
- Great Day in European History, by Boris Kagarlitsky
- A 9/11 "Dog That Didn't Bark"
- How Western Elites Have Projected the Sins of the West Onto Muslims
- Dear Palestinians: We Don't Need a State Under Existing Circumstances, by Khalid Amayreh
- What About the Mass Muslim Immigration of Refugees?
- Despair Fatigue: How hopelessness grew boring, by David Graeber
by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- What Do "White Supremacists" Believe?
- Links to Some Facts about Muslims & Islam
- Do Your Civic Duty and VOTE!
- How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture (in Mercola.com)
- Anti-smoking experts paid by Big Pharma, by Klaus K.
- Why They're Rioting in Sweden
- The Long Game for the Long War by Dan Sanchez
- Why Trump Can Call for Lowering U.S. Wages and Still Expect to Win the Election
- "Genes, Cancer and Capitalism" (pdf) by Nayvin Gordon
- "From Capitalism to Egalitarianism, the Missing Link: Hierarchy, not Money, is the Root of All Evil" (pdf) by Nayvin Gordon
- "Don't be fooled by 'inclusive capitalism' It's still a disaster" by Cynthia McKinney
- "What the British are really laughing about" by Lawrence Richards
- We Need THIS, Not Affirmative Action
- The Dangerous Naiveté of the American Left
- How Leftist Criticism of America's Rulers Plays Right Into the Hands of Rush Limbaugh &
- related: The "Logic" of the Left Leads Literally to Terrorism
- Can Co-operative Economic Enterprises Make Our Society a Good One on a Large Scale?
- President Bernie Sanders: What Would it Mean?
- Pro-Same-Sex Marriage "Young Turks" Unwittingly Argue Against Same-sex Marriage
- The Same-Sex Marriage Elephant in the U.S. Supreme Court Chamber
- Great Ideas That Were Around Long Before Karl Marx
- Seattle 1919: When the Working Class Ruled for Six Days
- Massachusetts Governor's Proposed State Budget: "Let's Spend the Crumbs They Give Us This Way"
- Rudi Giuliani and Barack Obama team up to play the divide-(by-race)-and-rule game
- It's Not the Snow, It's the Dough
- Racial Discrimination Against Non-Whites is Rampant and Harms Working Class People of ALL Races
- Are You a Progressive or a Revolutionary?
- Boston Police Commissioner Evans's Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
- Charlie Hebdo: Divide and Rule or Freedom of Speech?
- Democracy Versus Sharia* (This is a simpler article than the one with the same title but no asterist.)
- Refuting Bill Maher's and Sam Harris's Demonization of Muslims
- Why Progressive Organizations Don't Advocate Egalitarian Revolution
- video: James Corbett:When False Flags Don't Fly
- Stand Your Ground Law: How Has it Been Used in Florida?
- Islam Is A Peaceful Religion Debate In Oxford University
--Mehdi Hasan
- Here's Where the Illegal Immigrant/Refugee Children Should be Sent
- Let's Remove the Rich from Power
- Is a Rich Gentile Capitalist Any Better than a Jewish One?
- The "Ralph Nader" Illusion
- Is it a 'Privilege' to not be Discriminated Against?
- Why the American Plutocracy Needs BOTH the Republican and Democratic Parties
- Memo to John Kerry From an Israeli Official Re: the Word "Apartheid"
- Elizabeth Warren Wants Public Schools to Serve Big Business
Beware of Dangerous Articles by Rob Kall of OpEdNews
- Why We Shouldn't Vote for Elizabeth Warren (or Bernie Sanders)
- Libertaria: A Libertarian Paradise
- A Nation Is Not a Person: Now Let's Talk About Ukraine
- Be Careful What You Fight For
- A Lesson from Ukraine
- Freedom...But to Do What?
- Lawrence Lessig's Wrongheaded March to End Corruption
- How to Remove the Rich from Power and Abolish Class Inequality
- ‘We made Morales president, but we were misled’ by Leonidas Oikonomakis
- Deception and Double-Standards at Mandela’s Funeral, by Nizar Visram
- BDS Needs to Counterattack
- Where'd All the Damn Money Go?
- Why the U.S. Announced It's Seeking the Death Penalty for the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect
- What about Rush Limbaugh?
- American State of the Union: A Festival of Lies, by Glen Ford
- Which Creates a Higher Standard of Living: Capitalism or Egalitarianism?
- Is Your Neighbor a Closet Egalitarian Revolutionary?
- John Ball Was Right!
- 130 Million Americans
- Small Business Persons & Egalitarianism
- Video: This makes it pretty clear that the role of police--determined by their commanders at the top of American society whether individual rank and file cops like it or not--is to terrorize the public, especially the poorest, to maintain the terrible economic inequality of the U.S. on behalf of the American corporate and political ruling elite.
- Video: local TV anchors all over America reading from exactly the same script; and more here.
- Video: Mexican Vigilantes Stand Up Against Crime [This is about ordinary Mexicans forming local assemblies and democratically forming armed militias (they use a different name) to defend their communities against the extreme violence (murder, rape, kidnapping, extortion for 'protection') of the big drug trafficking criminal organizations that, as the book Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and their Godfathers by Anabel Hernandez documents in great detail, control the Federal government of Mexico. Very inspiring!]
- The NYT's and Boston Globe's "Path to Equality"
- American Christian Zionism in Perspective
- Buncombe, by David Graeber
- Old-Fashioned Political Activism Doesn't Work
- Chris Hedges: Half Right and Half Dangerously Wrong
- Massachusetts Senior Action Council 'Fights' a Fare Hike By Demanding the Fare be Doubled!
- Why Our Rulers Killed MLK, Jr. and Malcolm X: Remember This As We Commemorate the 1963 March on Washington
- Egypt and the Meaning of Democracy
- What Replaces the "Free Market" in a Sharing Economy?
- How the 18:1 Law Makes the War on Drugs Racist
- 80% Black Detroit Under Attack: Mr. Obama, Whose Side Are You On?
- Obama's Disingenuous "Speak Out" on Trayvon Martin
- Zimmerman Acquital: Racism, or Reasonable Doubt?
- Myths about Slavery & Racism
- Here's How to Eliminate Most Corruption
- Socialism and Communism? NO! Democratic Revolution? Yes!
- Egyptian Summer of 2013
- Are You Sure You Hold to the Philosophy of Nonviolence?
- Why Did Hollywood Cover Up for Hitler?
- The Big Decision
- What Would New Democracy Do If We Were In Brazil? by Dave Stratman
- Paul Krugman: A Smart Man Paid to Say Stupid Things
- Government Spying Aims to Silence Us
- Why Cooperative Businesses Are Not the Answer
- Beware of Robert Reich's Latest Op-Ed
- A Misunderstanding about "Patriarchy"
- What Kind of "Freedom" Did They Die For?
- If Only Glenn Greenwald Would Learn to Say "They" Instead of "We"
- A Ruling Class vs. Revolutionary Response to Prostitution
- Jump Off the Treadmill of Defeat!
- Obama's "Obamacare" Act Will Leave 30 Million Americans Without Any Health Insurance
- Uri Avnery's Specious Attack on the One State Solution
- Senator Elizabeth Warren's First Bill is a Disguised Attack on Students
- How The Nation Magazine Makes the World Safe for the Plutocracy
- Anomalies in the FBI's Account of the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Why and How Big Money Promotes "White Privilege" Rhetoric
- Glenn Greenwald: Only Half Right about the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Black-hair-archy
- True or False: An Injury to One Is an Injury to All?
- Misandry: An Obstacle to Solidarity Between Men and Women
- The American Public's Outrage at Commodification
- The People Versus Virtually the Entire Corporate-Political Elite: Can You Guess What the Issue Is?
- Ugh! Senators Warren and Franken Vote to Confirm Brennan to Head CIA
- Beware of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Fearmongering
- To Those Wondering, "What's Wrong With the F*%$#@! American People?"
- Razan Ghazzawi at IAW – Toronto: “Who’s Afraid of Syria’s Popular Revolution?” by Henry Lowi
- Israel/Palestine: Why "Peace" is NOT the Solution
- Video: 2nd grade teacher reads his resignation letter, which says he'd rather leave his $70,000 per year job and tutor children for free than be part of a system that is diametrically opposed to everything I believe education should be.
- The Billionaire
- The Despicable Values in Obama's State of the Union Speech
- Norman Finkelstein's Criticism of BDS: Wrong, But With a Germ of Truth
- Guns and the Working Class
- How Convenient for Our Rulers that We're Debating Arming Teachers
- N.R.A. Critics: Why So Much Vitriol?
- Michael Moore's Christmas Letter: Half Right and Half Very Wrong
- Who is the Enemy?
- Newtown, Aurora: Skepticism is Warranted
- What Makes a Government Legitimate?
- What Side Is Senator Elizabeth Warren Really On?
- Israeli Leaders and Hamas Need Each Other
- Global Wealth Equality: What Would it Mean?
- The U.S. Government is Run by Mass Murderers
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- Some Condemnations of Israel's Occupation Only Help Maintain It
- The Media Don't Tell the Real Reason Why Israel Kills People in Gaza
- Drones Create Hatred of the U.S., Which Is Their Real Purpose
- The Family Next Door
- Beware of Dennis Kucinich, Robert Reich, Bill Moyers and their Like
- Millions Who Voted for Romney Would Prefer an Anti-Capitalist Revolution
- Big Money Did Not Lose the 2012 Election
- An Open Letter to Those Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage
- Most Adults in the U.S. Don't Vote
- An Open Letter to America's Voters
- Nov. 5, 2012 Video: After Sandy, Occupy Movement Re-Emerges as Relief Hub for Residents in Need continued here. This video is about what OWS veterans did to organize mutual aid in hard-hit-by-Sandy Rockaway. It's an inspiring glimpse of what people can and will do when they have an opportunity to share according to need. In contrast, FEMA and the Red Cross are doing far less to help people in need; the Staten Island borough president is so disgusted with the Red Cross's failure to help that he's telling people not to donate to it!
- Michael Moore Just Doesn't Get It
- The Artificial Scarcity of Jobs
- The Evil of Sanctions on Iran
- Video: The Two Faces of Science, a talk by Professor Richard Levins Oct. 17 at the Harvard School of Public Health
- Look Who's Telling Us to End the Oppression of Women: PBS's 'Half the Sky',
- The Capitalist Big Lie about Human Nature
- Why Some People Insist that Twice Two is Five
- Democracy Versus Sharia
- Did Poor Whites Vote for the Racist Jim Crow Laws of the South?
- FBI Face-Recognition Surveillance
- DNC "Vote" Exposes America's Fake Democracy
- Do Americans Buy the Government's 9/11 Story?
- What I Learned from Republican Propaganda
- International AIDS Meeting Ambushed by the Ruling Plutocracy
- Gun Control?
- Lessons for Today from the Spanish Revolution 1936-9
- Listen, Right Wing Talk Radio Host!
- What About the Green Party, U.S.A.?
- ACLU Defends KKK Free Speech: Right or Wrong?
- Beware of Harvard's "Radical Fix for the Republic"
- Voting for President in America: History is Trying to Tell Us Something
- How to Think Like a Realistic Revolutionary
- The "Illusion" of Free Will?
- Leaflet about shutting down the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor, by People for Democratic Revolution
- A Misunderstanding about Democrracy
- Should We Pay Back the Debts? a leaflet by People for Democratic Revolution
- Call for a General Strike in Mexico March 29 (La convocatoria de Huelga General del 29 de marzo en España y la necesidad de la Revolución. Viva la huelga. Abajo la burocracia sindical)
- Message from Greek Workers Occupying their Hospital
- What Causes a Political Sea Change?
- Boston leaflet about cuts to the public transportation system by People for Democratic Revolution
- Declaration of Occupation,
passed by consensus, at General Assemply, Dewey Square, Boston, Nov. 29, 2011James Romer Reflects on his Lifetime of Political Activism by James H. Romer
- From Occupation to Revolution by John Spritzler and Dave Stratman
- Mom and Pop Capitalism?
- The Lockerbie Fraud Again by Dave Stratman
- Haaretz article: Polish-Jewish Sociologist compares West Bank separation fence to Warsaw Ghetto walls [This famous academic tells the truth--that Israel's leaders are "terrified of peace" and are "taking advantage of the Holocaust to legitimize unconscionable acts.' But why are they afraid of peace? See The Great Fear of Israel's Leaders for an explanation.]
- What Should the Verizon Strikers Do? by Dave Stratman
- The British Ruling Class Foments, and then Uses the 'Riots'
- Robert Fisk: Egypt's revolutionary youth are being sidelined
- The U.S./NATO war on Libya is not motivated by humanitarianism.
- Libya: What America's Media Won't Report
by Stephen Lendman
- Libya: It's Not About Oil, It's About Currency and Loans, by John Perkins
- 63% Say U.S. Should Stay Out of Libya Crisis -- New Democracy agrees with the majority of Americans--U.S. /NATO (and CIA) Get Out of Libya
- The truth about the present revolutionary uprising in Libya by Lucha de Classes
- Venezuela and Libya: it is not an April 11 coup, it is a February 27 Caracazo by Jorge Martín
- Gaddafi Is No Anti-Imperialist
- Israel Charny, director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem and former editor of the Encyclopedia of Genocide, acknowledges that Zionists committed genocidal massacres and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by John Spritzler (this includes a copy of The Jewish Daily Forward article reporting on Israel Charny's views.)
- Inside Job is an Inside Job: A Misleading View of the Economic Crisis, by Dave Stratman
- Newt Gingrich's Brilliant Insight about Palestinians
- How Progressive Ideas Protect Inequality
- The Root of the Mid-East conflict and the reason our government supports Israel's government, notes for the speech given by John Spritzler at the Watertown public library
- Moral Debts and Ethical Deficits by Frank Scott
- BP Lays Waste to the Gulf. Corporations Lay Waste to America
by Dave Stratman
- She Spoke Truth to Power, by Dave Stratman in defense of Helen Thomas
- Goodbye to Social Democracy? by Dave Stratman
- PTSD, infertility, and other consequences of war by Bob Nichols
- Assassination by Government: An Exchange by Dave Stratman
- Refuting Israel's "We don't kill civilians on purpose" argument
- Stop Iran's Execution of Three Gay Teenagers
- Whose Side Are Richard Goldstone and Bill Moyers On?
- Liberalism's Contempt for the Welfare of Children
- Race and Class in Civil War Mississippi
- The White Cop and the Black Professor'
- Reform Congress?
- Beware of Cost-Cutting Health Care Reform
- Whom Should We Support in Iran?
- Bank Credit Versus Solidarity
- "Two State Solution" Equals Racism: Palestinians and Jews CAN Live Peacefully as Equals in One Democratic State
- Obama's Afghanistan War: Morally Wrong, or Incompetently Waged?
- Is It Realistic to Demand the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees?
- The Israel Lobby's Power Comes From the American Ruling Class
- Banning Cigarette Sales, and Class Inequality
- Public Comment at the Hearing of the Energy & Utility Regulation Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, February 17, 2009 to accompany power point presentation: Nuclear Power – Health and Safety Issues by Morton Skorodin, M.D.
- The Madoff Ponzi Theft: Schadenfreude, Not Anti-Semitism by Daniel McGowan
- Addiction and Control, by Morton Skorodin, M.D.
- The Great Fear of Israel's Leaders
- Why Israeli Leaders Love Qassam Rockets: A Reply to Michael Neumann
- Why Is Israel Killing Gazans?
- A New Path For Israel?
- "Why They Voted For Obama But Against Same-Sex Marriage"
- Paulson's Bailout and the Great Tradition
- Jimmy Carter: Friend or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
- U.S. Nixes Israeli Attack on Iran: Dog Wags Tail?
- There is no evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson (see this too)
- "Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage: What is at Stake?"
- The Tactic of Calling People Anti-Semitic by Amy Hendrickson
- Help Put Question X for Real Democracy on the Ballot in 2008 (pdf)
- The Israel Lobby and the "National Interest"
- Israel/Palestine: "It's Complicated!"...Or Is it? (pdf)
- Somerville Divestment Project's leaflet: Why Our Government Supports Israel's Government and Why We Shouldn't (pdf)
- How Can We End the U.S. Government's Pro-Israel Foreign Policy?
- Unethical Media Coverage of UK Events, by Elias Davidsson
- Democracy in the United States? Fugetaboutit!
- Azmi Bishara and Muslims Worldwide Say No to Attacks on Non-Combatants
- Why Israeli Anti-Zionists do NOT “recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish state" by Henry Lowi
- Video of Zionist ethnic cleansing going on today in Palestine, carried out by the Israel government that once claimed to have "made the dessert bloom" but now uproots trees Palestinians depend on for their livelihood.
- One State is Not Snake Oil: A Reply to Michael Neumann
- "Affirmative Action -- or Class Solidarity?" a New Democracy flyer
- Why Our Government Supports Israel's Government and Why We Shouldn't, (.pdf) a New Democracy leaflet (intended for distribution in Massachusetts)
See related background articles: SHOULD THERE BE A JEWISH STATE?
- Albert Einstein Quotations Opposing a Jewish State,
- Rocket Attacks on Israeli Civilians
- Why "Pick On" Israel? Here's Why
- What about the Israel Lobby?
- Bibliography for the Palestine/Israel conflict, with pro- and anti-Zionist authors
- What Should American Workers Do About Illegal Immigration? (.pdf) A New Democracy leaflet
- Socialism and Communism? NO! Democratic Revolution? Yes!
- Soldiers in Revolt, by David Cortright, tells the story of how the U.S. government was forced to pull out of Vietnam because the military brass knew they could no longer rely on American GIs to fight a war they didn't support. This is the story of GIs in revolt that the rulers have tried to cover up.
- Gar Alperovitz describes here in great detail how the wealth that people like Bill Gates claim to own was produced by society as a whole and should belong to all of society.
- Nov. 5, 2012 Video: After Sandy, Occupy Movement Re-Emerges as Relief Hub for Residents in Need continued here. This video is about what OWS veterans did to organize mutual aid in hard-hit-by-Sandy Rockaway. It's an inspiring glimpse of what people can and will do when they have an opportunity to share according to need. In contrast, FEMA and the Red Cross are doing far less to help people in need; the Staten Island borough president is so disgusted with the Red Cross's failure to help that he's telling people not to donate to it!
- The grand financial shift: Rich own assets while poor and working class deep in debt. 70 percent of wealth for the bottom 80 percent locked up in principal residence
- Why the rise of fascism is again the issue, by John Pilger
- video: James Corbett:When False Flags Don't Fly
- Sectarianism and the Assad regime in Syria
- Exclusive: Allan Nairn Exposes Role of U.S. and New Guatemalan President in Indigenous Massacre
- Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq, The Independent
- How Washington helped foster the Islamist uprising in Mali
- The U.S. Government Is Run By Mass Murderers
- Drones Create Hatred of the U.S., Which Is Their Real Purpose
- Why does the Left swoon over soldiers? by Mickey Z.
- The Lockerbie Fraud Again by Dave Stratman
- Did 9/11 justify the war in Afghanistan? by David Ray Griffin
- PTSD, infertility, and other consequences of war by Bob Nichols
- Assassination by Government: An Exchange by Dave Stratman
- Whom Should We Support in Iran? by John Spritzler
- Obama's Afghanistan War: Morally Wrong, or Incompetently Waged?, by John Spritzler
- No War But the Class War
- Unethical Media Coverage of UK Events, by Elias Davidsson
- Concealing the Real Goals of War by John Spritzler
- Bosses and Workers, a poem by Dennis Serdel
- My Country & The Railroad Tracks: two poems by Dennis Serdel, Vietnam '67-68 purple heart
- Important link: 911 Video, "Loose Change, 2nd edition, recut
- The true significance of Bush's no-warrant domestic eavesdropping by John Spritzler
- The Antiwar Movement Isn’t Where You Think It Is by Dave Stratman
- The London Bombings and the Class War by Dave Stratman
- "What Bush's 'Freedom & Democracy' Means for Iraqi Farmers" by John Spritzler (March 17, 2005)
- "The Witchhunts Continue: Columbia University and the New Anti-Semitism" by M. Junaid Alam
- "Collateral Damage" a poem by Gary Corseri (February 2005)
- "The Triumph of Liberalism" by Dave Stratman (November 12, 2004)
- "Circles" and "BREAKING THE LAW TO WIN" poems by Dennis Serdel (September 28, 2004)
- "This Land Is Our Land" by John Spritzler (August 31, 2004)
- "Talking to the Wrong People: Lessons of the DNC" by Dave Stratman (August 26, 2004)
- Interview of Dave Stratman (focusing on his article Inventing the Enemy) on WING TV (August 18, 2004)
- "Inventing the Enemy" by Dave Stratman (July 26, 2004)
- "The 'Good War' Myth of World War II" by John Spritzler (July 22, 2004)
- "Beware the Liberal War on Terror" by Dave Stratman (July 5, 2004)
- "Abu Ghraib: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is NOT Us" by John Spritzler (June 2, 2004)
- "Abu Ghraib Prison Torture: a Few Bad Apples or Long Standing Policy?" by John Spritzler (May 12, 2004).
- "The Antiwar Movement Is Not Progressive -- And That's A Good Thing"by Dave Stratman. (March 18, 2004).
- "George Bush, The Anti-Family President" by Bill Kauffman. (October 27, 2003).
- "BULLETDUCKERS" -- poetry by Dennis Serdel. (November, 2003).
- Book Review: "The War On Freedom" by John Spritzler (October 5, 2003)
- "Bush and the 'Good War'" by John Spritzler (September 30, 2003)
- "No To Politics, Yes To Mass Refusal" by Dave Stratman. (September 26, 2003).
- "Making Connections: the War, the Budget, and the Crisis in Social Values" -- remarks by David Stratman at the Community Church of Boston (April 6, 2003).
- "Conspiracy Theory" by Floyd Rudmin. (April, 2003).
- "Free Asan Akbar And Put The System On Trial?" by Steve Hesske (April, 2003).
- "Rethinking Anti-War Strategy" by Jim Luken (April, 2003).
- "They Dare Not Speak Its Name" by Steve Hesske (March 25, 2003).
- "The Death March" by Al McKinnis (March, 2003).
- The Call of Workers for Peace (January, 2003). Workers for Peace -- Chinese translation. Workers for Peace -- German translation.
- "Stop The Endless War: Boycott The Volunteer Army" by Doug Fuda. (January 23, 2003).
- "Elite Spokesman Alarmed by Magnitude of Opposition to Iraq War" by John Spritzler (January 9, 2003).
- "Palestine & Iraq: Any Signs of Hope? The lessons we have learned" by Henry Lowi (November 10, 2002).
- "What Is War With Iraq Really About?" -- A New Democracy Flyer. (Fall 2002).
- "A War To Make Iraq Democratic?" by John Spritzler. (Oct '02).
- "The U.S. As Fourth Reich" by David Stratman. (September 2, 2002).
- "Useful Enemies" by Dave Stratman. (NDN* Nov. '01-Feb. '02).
- "Is It Really A 'War Against Terrorism?'" (NDN* Nov. '01-Feb. '02).
- "What Else Could He Have Done?" (NDN* Nov. '01-Feb. '02).
- "Why Is The US Bombing Yugoslavia?" by Dave Stratman. (NDN* May-June 1999).
- * "NDN" indicates that the article is from the New Democracy Newsletter.
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
- Video: John Kerry admits Building #7 was a controlled demolition
- How Science Died at the World Trade Center by Kevin Ryan
- "Rainbow in the Dark: Powerful Proof of 9/11 Nukes" posted by Jim Fetzer February 6, 2015
- Video: 9/11 firefighter blows WTC 7 cover-8p wide open
- Video: 9/11 Scientific proof no plane
- Audio: 9/11 Radar deception explained in great technical detail (skip initial music)
- Affidavit by a very experienced pilot asserting that the official 9/11 story of the aircraft hitting the World Trade Center buildings is physically impossible
- Video: former CIA asset back-channel between Saddaam Hussein and U.S., Susan Lindauer, says that Mohammed Atta was a CIA asset and the hijackers had a lot of technical and other help from the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld circle. Problem is that there is no evidence whatsoever that Muslims hijacked four planes on 9/11. Lindauer asserts it happened, but does not provide evidence. Her first hand evidence only supports the conclusion that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld knew in advance of 9/11 that there was going to be an apparent hijacking, and that they wanted to use it as a pretext for invading Iraq.
- More Bad Science Surrounding the Nano-Thermite Red Herring
- Film: September 11, the New Pearl Harbor
- Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, by Elias Davidsson
- The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, by John McMurty in Journal of 9/11 Studies
- The 9/11 Reader: The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks (this is a web page with a thorough discussion of why the official 9/11 story is not true)
- Video: Mysterious deaths of 9/11 Witnesses
- Video: 9/11 The Big Clue Everyone Missed
- Former 9/11 Commissioner admits missile hit the Pentagon (but quickly "corrects" himself)
- Do Americans Buy the Government's 9/11 Story? by John Spritzler
- Highly credible people question 9/11
- Video interview of the scientist whose peer-reviewed scientific paper reported nanothermite was used to bring down the WTC buildings.
- Video demonstrating that thermite (a primitive version of nanothermite, traces of which were found in the WTC dust) really can cut steel beams, producing the same visual and audible effects that eyewitnesses to the collapse of the World Trade Center towers reported seeing and hearing.
- 118 Witnesses: The Firefighters Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers (pdf), by Graeme MacQueen
- Last man out makes shocking 9/11 disclosure, by Richard Roepke [A report of an interview with William Rodriguez, the last person out of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on the day of 9/11, and a decorated hero who saved hundreds of lives, heard explosions in the basement before the plane hit the building and insists 9/11 was an inside job]
- Fabricating Terror by Paul Craig Roberts (an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration)
- Left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 truth movement: Do you really believe in miracles? by David Ray Griffin
- Did 9/11 justify the war in Afghanistan? by David Ray Griffin
- Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe in The Open Chemical Physics Journal 2009
- September 23, 2007 Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report by Alan Miller http://www.opednews.com Official Account of 9/11 a “Joke” and a “Cover-up” September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and have called for a new investigation. “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke,” said Raymond McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates during the seventies. “There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions,” he said. McGovern, who is also the founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), is one of many signers of a petition to reinvestigate 9/11.[1]
- Released: September 06, 2007 Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; Over 30% Seek Immediate Impeachment ; 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7. Kansas City, MO (Zogby International) September 6, 2007 - As America nears the sixth anniversary of the world-churning events of September 11, 2001, a new Zogby International poll finds a majority of Americans still await a Congressional investigation of President Bush' and Vice President Cheney's actions before, during and after the 9/11 attacks. Over 30% also believe Bush and/or Cheney should be immediately impeached by the House of Representatives. The 911truth.org–sponsored poll also found that over two-thirds of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the still unexplained collapse of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001. http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1354
- Peer-reviewed journal article: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. This provides strong evidence that explosives were used to bring down the WTC buildings
- An architect explains why the evidence indicates that the WTC was brought down by controlled demolition.
- Peer-reviewed journal article presenting the scientific evidence that the WTC was brought down by controlled demolition (i.e. with the explosive known as Thermate.)
- There is no evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson
- 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press Book by David Ray Griffin
- National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
- Journal of 9/11 Studies
- Architects and Engineers 9/11 Truth
- Scholars for 9/11 Truth
- 250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' .
- 911 Truth Campaign
- Patriots Question 9/11
- Former President of Italy says 9/11 solved: it was run by the CIA and Mossad
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
For an introduction to understanding the conflict in Palestine, please read this: The Root of the Mid-East conflict and the reason our government supports Israel's government, notes for the speech given by John Spritzler at the Watertown public library
Video: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine ( a talk by Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian and author of the book bythe same title.)
Israeli laws that discriminate against non-Jewish citizens of Israel.
Video: Issues Related to a Jewish State in Palestine: Audio/Visual file of a speech by John Spritzler at the Walpole, MA, Public Library, Nov. 7, 2005 (This takes a couple of minutes to load. This can be viewed by downloading the free media player at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/9series/default.aspx . Also, if the video disappears when you adjust the volume, try changing from full to partial screen mode which, oddly enough, restores the video.)
Video: Miko Peled, the General's Son, debunks Zionist myths.
Video: Fmr. IDF Soldier Calls on Americans to Stand Up to Israel War Crimes | Interview with Eran Efrati
Video: Auschwitz Survivor on Palestine
Holocaust scholar and director of Hebrew University's Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry: 1932 Is Already Here
Video: Ordinary Jewish Israelis in an Israeli store objecting to a shop-owner's refusal to sell to a non-Jew, in a "hidden camera" experiment. (This video was made by people who argue, without any basis in fact, that Jewish Israelis are more tolerant than non-Jewish Arabs; but regardless of their motives, the video is quite interesting.)
Being a Jewish Woman in Palestine: Answers to Three FAQs, by Katarinaanya
The Dispossessed: Sixty-seven years ago, Israel created a Jewish state, and my grandmother was made homeless. By Saleem Haddad
* * *
Debunking the pro-Israel mythology that the elite use to attack equality and solidarity and democracy in the U.S. and Middle East.
- Interview with Ilan Pappé: “The Zionist goal from the very beginning was to have as much as Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians in it as possible.
- The Jews of Iraq, by Naeim Giladi ["I write this article
for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called 'cruel Zionism.' I write about it because I was part of it."]
- Video of Zionist ethnic cleansing going on today in Palestine, carried out by the Israel government that once claimed to have "made the dessert bloom" but now uproots trees Palestinians depend on for their livelihood.
- "WEXNER ANALYSIS: ISRAELI COMMUNICATION PRIORITIES 2003" This is a professional consulting firm's recommendation to the Israeli government about how to do propaganda in the United States. The only sense in which it reflects the views of New Democracy is that we agree that the Israeli government uses lies and deception to fool people into supporting it's ethnic cleansing practices.
- Antiwar Statement of Yair Khilou, imprisoned for refusal to serve in the Israeli Army. (From New Profile).
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
- "From Capitalism to Egalitarianism, the Missing Link: Hierarchy, not Money, is the Root of All Evil" (pdf) by Nayvin Gordon
- We Need THIS, Not Affirmative Action
- The Dangerous Naiveté of the American Left
- How Leftist Criticism of America's Rulers Plays Right Into the Hands of Rush Limbaugh & related: The "Logic" of the Left Leads Literally to Terrorism
- Pro-Same-Sex Marriage "Young Turks" Unwittingly Argue Against Same-sex Marriage
- The Same-Sex Marriage Elephant in the U.S. Supreme Court Chamber
- Massachusetts Governor's Proposed State Budget: "Let's Spend the Crumbs They Give Us This Way"
- Rudi Giuliani and Barack Obama team up to play the divide-(by-race)-and-rule game
- It's Not the Snow, It's the Dough
- Racial Discrimination Against Non-Whites is Rampant and Harms Working Class People of ALL Races
- Are You a Progressive or a Revolutionary?
- Boston Police Commissioner Evans's Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
- Charlie Hebdo: Divide and Rule or Freedom of Speech?
- Democracy Versus Sharia* (This is a simpler article than the one with the same title but no asterist.)
- Refuting Bill Maher's and Sam Harris's Demonization of Muslims
- Why Progressive Organizations Don't Advocate Egalitarian Revolution
- Stand Your Ground Law: How Has it Been Used in Florida?
- Here's Where the Illegal Immigrant/Refugee Children Should be Sent
- Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn’t Explain Poverty, by Stephen Steingerg in Black Agenda Report
- Is it a 'Privilege' to not be Discriminated Against?
- Where'd All the Damn Money Go?
- Why the U.S. Announced It's Seeking the Death Penalty for the Boston
- What about Rush Limbaugh?
- Video: This makes it pretty clear that the role of police--determined by their commanders at the top of American society whether individual rank and file cops like it or not--is to terrorize the public, especially the poorest, to maintain the terrible economic inequality of the U.S. on behalf of the American corporate and political ruling elite.
- Video: local TV anchors all over America reading from exactly the same script; and more here.
- American Christian Zionism in Perspective
- Why Our Rulers Killed MLK, Jr. and Malcolm X: Remember This As We Commemorate the 1963 March on Washington
- How the 18:1 Law Makes the War on Drugs Racist
- 80% Black Detroit Under Attack: Mr. Obama, Whose Side Are You On?
- Obama's Disingenuous "Speak Out" on Trayvon Martin
- Zimmerman Acquital: Racism, or Reasonable Doubt?
- Myths about Slavery & Racism
- British Teen Lays Waste British Family Court
- Video: When female privilege backfires (by GirlWritesWhat)
- A Misunderstanding about "Patriarchy"
- A Ruling Class vs. Revolutionary Response to Prostitution
- How The Nation Magazine Makes the World Safe for the Plutocracy
- Anomalies in the FBI's Account of the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Why and How Big Money Promotes "White Privilege" Rhetoric
- Glenn Greenwald: Only Half Right about the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Black-hair-archy
- True or False: An Injury to One Is an Injury to All?
- Misandry: An Obstacle to Solidarity Between Men and Women
- The American Public's Outrage at Commodification
- Video: Neoteny by girlwriteswhat about evolved gender differences
- Spanish feminist establishment is shaking, by Lucian Valsan
- The People Versus Virtually the Entire Corporate-Political Elite: Can You Guess What the Issue Is?
- Video: Dr. Janice Fiamengo at U of T. What's Wrong With Women's Studies?
- Video: Child Abuse: Conspiracy of Silence
- Beware of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Fearmongering
- Video: Feminism and the disposable male, by girlwritesthat. This is one of many video talks on this blog: Girlwriteswhat's blog "one woman's quest for gender equality"
- Video by Girlwriteswhat about Eve Ensler (author of "The Vagina Monologues") and her "Patriarchy" feminist theory: click here, and then scroll down about 1/6 of the way to the video under the phrase, 'Transcript of "Are the Vaginas in the House?"' : the video is titled, "Are the Vaginas in the house?"
- Guns and the Working Class
- How Convenient for Our Rulers that We're Debating Arming Teachers
- N.R.A. Critics: Why So Much Vitriol?
- Michael Moore's Christmas Letter: Half Right and Half Very Wrong
- Newtown, Aurora: Skepticism is Warranted
- An Open Letter to Those Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage
- Video: In France, anti-gay marriage voices emerge — from gays
- Look Who's Telling Us to End the Oppression of Women: PBS's 'Half the Sky', by John Spritzler
- The Capitalist Big Lie about Human Nature, by John Spritzler
- Why Some People Insist that Twice Two is Five, by John Spritzler
- My Father Was an Anonymous Sperm Donor, by Katrina Clark [excerpt]
- Democracy Versus Sharia, by John Spritzler
- Did Poor Whites Vote for the Racist Jim Crow Laws of the South? by John Spritzler
- What I Learned from Republican Propaganda by John Spritzler
- Gun Control? by John Spritzler
- ACLU Defends KKK Free Speech: Right or Wrong? by John Spritzler
- The "Illusion" of Free Will? by John Spritzler
- Review of Rich Siegel's musical CD, "The Way to Peace" by John Spritzler
- Legalizing Same-sex Marriage: What is at Stake? by John Spritzler
- Why Are Families Under Attack? by John Spritzler
- Worshipping a Strange God by John Spritzler
- Why They Voted for Obama But Against Same-Sex Marriage by John Spritzler
- Stop Iran's Execution of Three Gay Teenagers by John Spritzler
- "Marriage Matters" by Maggie Gallagher (a link to National Review online)
- A Reassessment of Gaylib by Simon Jones
- Liberalism's Contempt for the Welfare of Children by John Spritzler
- Race and Class in Civil War Mississippi by John Spritzler
- The White Cop and the Black Professor by John Spritzler
- Banning Cigarette Sales, and Class Inequality by John Spritzler
- "Why They Voted For Obama But Against Same-Sex Marriage" by John Spritzler
- What Is a Liberal to Do? by John Spritzler
- "Judges Run Wild" by Ned Holstein
- How the Same-Sex Marriage Issue Cripples the Anti-War Movement by John Spritzler (August 2004)
- "George Bush, The Anti-Family President" by Bill Kauffman. (October 27, 2003).
- "Higher Education Free For All?" by John Spritzler -- taking Jim Hightower to task for promoting big business's lies about education (NDN* May-August 2002)
- "War Or War?" by Carolyn Chute (NDN* November 2001 - February 2002)
- Editorial: "Ordinary People" (NDN* July-August 2001)
- "Billionaires, Crime and Corruption"by John Spritzler (NDN* September-October 2001)
- "Violence Peace Reason Force"by Carolyn Chute (NDN* March-June 2001)
- "Making Connections" by Dave Stratman (NDN* Jan-Feb 2001)
- "Poll Shows Americans Want Global Solidarity, Not Competition"by John Spritzler (NDN* March-June 2001)
- "The Kids Are All Right - They're Fighting The Corporations" by John Spritzler. (NDN* January-February 2001)
- Editorial: "High Stakes Testing: Why Are They Doing This To Our Kids?" (NDN* May-June 2000).
- An interview (sort of!) with Carolyn Chute, redneck author of the bestseller, The Beans of Egypt, Maine. (NDN* March-April 2000)
* "NDN" indicates that the article is from the New Democracy Newsletter.
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
"School Reform and the Attack on Public Education" - the text of a speech by Dave Stratman delivered to the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Summer Institute in July, 1997. Still must reading for parents and teachers today!
Susan Ohanian on Education is a terrific website by an outstanding educator, that has up-to-date criticism of the "Education Reform" establishment.
Guy Brandenbug's Blog on education is also terrific.
The "Common Core" curriculum is one of the key elements of the ruling class's education reform in the United States, and it is aggressively promoted (and funded) by Bill Gates with his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This foundation has a blog called "Impatient Optimists" with an article that says:
"I am pleased to see the excitement in the business community for the common core. Businesses are the primary consumers of the output of our schools, so it’s a natural alliance."
The ruling class (Bill Gates et al) view our children as things to be "consumed" by business, as products that are the "output" of schools the way widgets are the output of a factory, as means to an end--specifically the end of maximizing the profits of the "business community."
The "Common Core" standards promoted by Bill Gates and his agent in the government--Secretary of Education Arne Duncan--are designed to make our children believe that our capitalist society based on competition and buying and selling (for profit) with some rich because they are smarter and work harder and the rest poor because they are not so smart and don't work hard, is the natural order of things. It is designed to make our children unable even to conceive of a society based on sharing according to need (instead of buying and selling for profit) and mutual aid and equality with no rich and no poor. This accusation against the "Common Core" is proven by (among many other examples) the educational materials being developed for first graders in New York City. These materials are called ReadyGEN and are produced by the Pearson School company, which says: "ReadyGEN is being designed from the ground up to address the ELA Common Core Standards, the Publisher's Criteria and the City's specific requirements." Susan Ohanian discusses how awful ReadyGEN is in great detail here. Ohanian points out, for example, that ReadyGEN lists the following words as the vocabulary first graders need to learn in their first unit of study: goods, services, want, needs, collects, taxes, producers, farmers, consumers, earn, income, sells, saves, choices, cash register, inventory, groceries, average.
More excellent articles/videos:
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
How the Unions Killed the Working Class Movement by Dave Stratman (June 13, 2006)
Fight to Win: A Strategy for Working People (html) (.pdf)(August 12, 2005)
- The Artificial Scarcity of Jobs, by John Spritzler
- What Should the Verizon Strikers Do? by Dave Stratman
- A Realistic Solution to Illegal Immigration by John Spritzler
- What Should American Workers Do About Illegal Immigration? (.pdf) A New Democracy leaflet
- The Tragic Fate of the Delphi Struggle by Dave Stratman (June 20, 2006)
- We Stand with the Teachers of Oaxaca A New Democracy Statement
- Why Dave Stratman and John Spritzler Resigned from Solidarity Now
- Has the UAW Been Duped? by Dave Stratman
- What Will Come of the Delphi Struggle? by Dave Stratman (December 13, 2005)
- Common Sense (August 31, 2005)
- Veterans of Labor Wars Found New Solidarity Organization (August 6, 2005)
- Solidarity Now flyer about the wildcat strikes at London's Heathrow airport (PDF) (August 13, 2005)
- A Call for a New Solidarity Movement (html) (.pdf) (August 12, 2005)
- Back to the Future by Tom Laney (July 8 2005)
- "A Tribute to George Cornwell" by Larry Solomon (March 28, 2005)
- "BREAKING THE LAW TO WIN" by Dennis Serdel. (September 10, 2004).
- "Can We Make Unions Strong Again?" (HTML) (PDF**) a New Democracy Flyer (March, 2004)
- "The Death Of An Auto Worker" by Tom Laney (December 18, 2003)
- "Stay In Touch!" from Tom Laney. (November 11, 2003).
- "I Am The Rouge"by Greg Shotwell. (May 2003).
- "Solidarity Committee Changes World!" by Tom Laney. (NDN* November 2001-February 2002).
- "What We Stand For" by Al McKinnis. (NDN* July-August 2001).
- "Strike Back" by Gregg Shotwell. (NDN* July-August 2001).
- "A Letter To An Activist" by Dave Stratman. (NDN* March-June 2001)
- "Solidarity Forever" by Tom Laney. (from The Autoworker).
- "Real Unionism Is All Around Us"by Tom Laney. (NDN* November-December 2000).
- Editorial: "Should Teachers Have Seniority Rights?" (NDN* July-October 2000).
- "Where Have All The Farmers Gone?" by Bob Burns. (NDN* July-October 2000).
- "How Can We Step Outside The Box?"by Dave Stratman (NDN* March-April 2000)
- "We Can Build A New Workers' Movement: An Exchange Between Two Auto Workers" - (NDN* March-April 2000).
- "Letter to a Labor Reformer Who Just Wants 'the Leaders' to Lead"by Tom Laney (NDN* March-April 2000)
- "How Do You Win There?" by Tom Laney. (NDN* Sept.-Oct. 1999).
- "Defend The Ties That Bind" - a New Democracy flyer. (NDN* May-June 1998).
- "Affirmative Action -- or Class Solidarity?" a New Democracy flyer
- "Locked Out! One Wife's Story of the Staley Struggle"by Jan Griffin (NDN* July-Aug 1997)
- "Let's Be Practical"by Dave Stratman (NDN* July-August 1997).
* "NDN" indicates that the article is from the New Democracy Newsletter.
** PDF files require the free Acrobat Reader plug-in to read.
Autoworkers' Solidarity Message to Korea
한국 노동자에 대한 연대의 메세지
Korean Translation - .html (requires Korean font)
한국 노동자에 대한 연대의 메세지
Korean Translation - .pdf format (requires Acrobat Reader)
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
- Why Does David Rockefeller Want You to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?
- Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's C02
- The fact that global warming stopped in the 21st century is acknowledged in these articles in the most prestigious science journals: here and here and here and here . The question is why? The climate theory that predicted there would be global warming in these recent years (18 years or more, according to many) is the theory that human-caused C02 causes catastrophic global warming. Clearly that theory needs to be replaced with a different one. Note that the highly respected climatologist, Judith Curry, shows here why the "missing heat" is not in the deep ocean, as others have claimed in order to explain away the hiatus in global warming without dumping the C02-causes-catastrophic-global-warming theory.
- The Hockey Stick Illusion, by A.W. Montford, is a terrific book that explains and reveals the deliberate corruption in the "science" behind the infamous, and scientifically bogus, "hockey stick" graph of (supposed) global temperature over the last thousand years, which suggests (falsely) that global warming in recent decades is completely and dramatically unprecedented.
- Today (Aug. 20, 2015) the newspapers are announcing a study that claims that human-caused CO2 is in part driving the current drought in California. You might want to look at Figure 10 in this scientific journal article titled, "North American drought: Reconstructions, causes, and consequences," to get a sense of perspective on the VERY long term history of droughts in the American West before accepting the claim that recent human industrial production of C02 is a factor in the current drought. But if real science isn't your thing, and you prefer scary news reports, then don't bother looking at Figure 10. Also of note is this history of drought in California; also this one.
- Why the man-made global warming climate models are a "fudge," according to Hansen himself
- Collapse of the AGW theory of the IPCC; 'Most influential climate paper of all time' contains multiple false assumptions
- List of excuses for "the pause" in global warming
- Alarmists Are In Way Over Their Heads on Rising Ocean Claims (2013)
- Video: Dr. Nils-Axel Morner--Sea level specialist--Climate scare is over
- Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum (2014, NASA) [Note: Arctic, as opposed to antarctic, ice is indeed decreasing. There has indeed been global warming in the 20th century and it is not unlikely that it is affecting sea ice currently. The question, however, is whether or not the CAUSE of global warming (which, by the way, has been on an 18 year hiatus) has been human-produced C02 as theorized by the scientists who have incorporated their theories into models to simulate future climate and on the basis of which they are predicting catastrophic warming unless we dramatically reduce our "carbon footprint." Since these models (i.e., the hypothecized theory they are based upon) failed to predict the 18 year (and counting) hiatus in global warming, the theory does not seem to be a good one to base any decisions on. When a randomized clinical trial shows no evidence that a drug is efficacious the drug is not approved for medical use no matter how wonderful the arguments were for the hypothesis that it would be efficacious; likewise since the 18 year "trial" of the CO2-causes-catastrophic-global-warming hypothesis failed to provide observations in support of that hypothesis, it should not be used to make big decisions, no matter how wonderful the arguments were for that hypothesis. If it turns out that global warming re-commences in the future, we will need to come up with a NEW hypothesis to explain it, one that is DIFFERENT from the now-discredited CO2-causes-catastrophic-global-warming hypothesis. There are plenty of other hypotheses to be considered and tested; that's called good science. But to keep trying to "explain away" dis-confirming observations (such as the 18 year hiatus in global warming) in order to prop up a failed hypothesis is bad science.]
- Touchy Feely Science – one chart suggests there’s a ‘pHraud’ in omitting Ocean Acidification data in Congressional testimony
- The ultra-conservative think tank, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is cooperating with liberal organizations to promote a carbon tax (justified by the theory that CO2 from human industry is causing catastrophic global warming.) Also supporting the carbon tax is the ultra-conservative Hoover Institution. Furthermore, Big Oil ENDORSES (not opposes) the theory that CO2 emissions are causing dangerous climate change; if you agree, don't think you're "opposing Big Oil" or "opposing conservatives."
- Recent cooling of the upper ocean (2006); still cooling in 2009 as discussed here. This detailed article is from 2000: "Yes the Ocean Has Warmed; No, It Is Not 'Global Warming.'"
- The 18 year long plateau in global temperature is an embarassment to the advocates of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGM) hypothesis because the climate models used by these advocates ("warmers") predicted substantial warming during these 18 years. Instead of rejecting their CAGM hypothesis because its predictions are not observed (which would be the scientific thing to do) the "warmers" go to great lengths to argue that the observed global temperature can be explained without rejecting the CAGM hypothesis. This article (praised and summarized here) is an attempt to do just that, by using elaborate statistical agruments. But this article examines the statistical arguments and shows that they are completely invalid, so bad in fact that one statistician, Gordon Hughes, stated, "The statistical methods used in the paper are so bad as to merit use in a class on how not to do applied statistics. All this paper demonstrates is that climate scientists should take some basic courses in statistics and Nature should get some competent referees." Here is another article dismissing the plateau in global warming by adjusting (changing) old data in such a manner as to make the plateau go away, as explained by this critique of the article.
- Climategate, the Sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming
- Massive Tampering with Temperatures in South America
- Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise? Maybe Not. Reef islands can grow and change shape as sediments shift, studies show. (From National Geographic)
- Will a return of rising temperatures validate the IPCC’s climate models?
- New UAH Lower Troposphere Temperature Data Show No Global Warming for More Than 18 Years Bob Tisdale / April 29, 2015
- Peer-reviewed pocket-calculator climate model exposes serious errors in complex computer models Jan 21, 2015 Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-01-peer-reviewed-pocket-calculator-climate-exposes-errors.html#jCp
- In 1997, Richard S. Lindzen, "a leading expert on physical processes of the atmosphere" and a member of the National Academy of Sciences at age 37, as reported in the NYT here, said there was no evidence of a global warming problem. And guess what? The data from then till now (May, 2015) provide no evidence of a rise in global temperature (the famous "plateau" acknowledged even by the head of the IPCC.) Lindzen continues to challenge the thesis that humans are causing catastrophic global warming, writing in March, 2015, an article titled, "The Political Assault on Climate Skeptics," in which he says:
"Research in recent years has encouraged those of us who question the popular alarm over allegedly man-made global warming. Actually, the move from “global warming” to “climate change” indicated the silliness of this issue. The climate has been changing since the Earth was formed. This normal course is now taken to be evidence of doom.
"Individuals and organizations highly vested in disaster scenarios have relentlessly attacked scientists and others who do not share their beliefs. The attacks have taken a threatening turn.
"As to the science itself, it’s worth noting that all predictions of warming since the onset of the last warming episode of 1978-98—which is the only period that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) attempts to attribute to carbon-dioxide emissions—have greatly exceeded what has been observed. These observations support a much reduced and essentially harmless climate response to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide."
- Video: The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, by Tim Ball This video and this article by Richard K. Moore dove-tail with each other.
- When did global warming begin?
- Happy Anniversary: 1 October Marks 18 Years Without Global Warming Trend
- EXXON/M OBILE supports a carbon tax
- The Left vs. the Climate: Why Progressives Should Reject Naomi Klein's Pastoral Fantasy--and Embrace Our High Energy Planet, by Will Boisvert
- Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ‘pause’ to the cooling since 2002’
- Scientists evaluate the Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change thesis in this document. Here is the source of the document.
- Eminent Swedish scientist latest victim of Climate McCarthyism, by Peter Foster
- Has Global Warming Stopped? (This article says it has not stopped.)
- Report by the NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change), whose lead author scientists are here. The Executive Summary details point by point why the IPCC conclusions (human-caused catastrophic global warming) are not credible.
- Date: 21/02/13
- Graham Lloyd, The Australian
The UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office, but said it would need to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend.
- Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday (Septemberf 23, 2013) [Washington Post]
- And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year
- In the prestigious science publication,Nature, aerosols (which cool the atmosphere) and not CO2 are linked to increased hurricane strength "Warmergate" discussed in some detail in the MailOnline
- Big Oil ENDORSES (not opposes) the theory that CO2 emissions are causing dangerous climate change; if you agree, don't think you're "opposing Big Oil"
- The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert, a book by Donna Laframboise about the IPCC (the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) A review of this book by a person who has advised the editor of this website to take the warnings of the IPCC very seriously. This editor, contrary to the reviewer's opinion, thinks this book by Donna Laframboise makes a very persuasive case that the IPCC is not an organization to be trusted or taken seriously.
- Smoke from Arctic wildfires may have caused Greenland's record thaw
- Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it (Also, see this)
- Arctic Sea Ice in Free Fall by Emily E. Adams and Janet Larsen
- "There's more to climate fraud than just tax hikes," by Atheo (this argues that the ruling elite are using unfounded fear of "CO2 pollution causing climate disaster" to turn concern for the environment towards support for nuclear reactors.
- Arctic Tipping Point May Not Be Reached, by Matt McGrath
- Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 by Morton S. Skorodin, M.D.
- Climate Science: Observations vs. Models, by Richard Moore
- Copenhagen and Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change by Prof. Robert M. Carter, Research Professor at James Cook University (Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia). He is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than thirty years professional experience.
- Harvard Professor John Holdren, President Obama's chief science advisor and an advocate of "radical reconfiguration of policy and economies—and daily life—on a global scale" to address climate change, wrote a book in 1977 in which he presented plans for forced abortions and forced mass sterilization as worthy of consideration as a means to solve the "Population Explosion" problem. This illustrates the kind of totalitarian social-engineering mentality that can shape government policies when the public is persuaded by so-called "science" that there is an existential crisis--like "Global Warming," the modern replacement for the old "Population Explosion" bogeyman. Does this prove human-caused global warming is a false hypothesis? No. But it is important to keep the social context of such claims in mind when evaluating the credibility of various "experts." Note that China's involuntary "one child" policy is turning out to be horrible for babies and ordinary people and the population is actually shrinking in economically more developed nations, as is happening in Europe and Russia and Japan and the United States (excluding immigration) where "women 40 to 44 years old will end their childbearing years with an average of 1.9 children each, a number below replacement-level fertility"--places where there are no involuntary government-enforced population control measures.
- The 'Hockey Stick': A New Low in Climate Science, by John L. Daly
- Cooling Underway: Global Temperature Continues to Drop in May: Significantly Colder' - 16-month temperature drop of -0.774°C!, a report by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, June 4, 2008
- On the Fundamental Defect in the IPCC's Approach to Global Warming Research by Syun-Ichi Akasofu at this URL: http://pielkeclimatesci.wordpress.com/2007/06/15/on-the-fundamental-defect-in-the-ipcc%E2%80%99s-approach-to-global-warming-research-by-syun-ichi-akasofu/ [Note: due to some weirdness in this URL address, you need to copy and paste it into your browser manually. Sorry.]
- The Faithful Heretic, by Dave Hoopman (an interview with Reid A. Bryson, Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology—now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences—in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. He’s a member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor—created, the U.N. says, to recognize “outstanding achievements in the protection and improvement of the environment.” He has authored five books and more than 230 other publications and was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world.
- Global-warming skeptics continue to punch away, by Joel Achenbach The Washington Post
- Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide .pdf), by Arthur B. Robinson et al, in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 12, Number 3, Fall 2007 [for background on this article go here.]
- Lord Nelson and Captain Cook's shiplogs question climate change theories
- The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, which on page 75 states: "In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, wh ich we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself." NOTE that the Council of the Club of Rome selected Al Gore to chair its 1997 annual meeting (in Washington D.C.)
- Science and Public Policy Institute website
- U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007
- The Creeping Fascism of Global Warming Hysteria, by Floyd Anderson
- Climate and Carbon, Consensus and Contention, by Manuel Garcia, Jr. June 4, 2007
- Read the Sunspots, by R. Timothy Patterson (Financial Post, June 20, 2007) This article includes:
- Statistics needed -- The Deniers Part I
Warming is real -- and has benefits -- The Deniers Part II
The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science -- The Deniers Part III
Polar scientists on thin ice -- The Deniers Part IV
The original denier: into the cold -- The Deniers Part V
The sun moves climate change -- The Deniers Part VI
Will the sun cool us? -- The Deniers Part VII
The limits of predictability -- The Deniers Part VIII
Look to Mars for the truth on global warming -- The Deniers Part IX
Limited role for C02 -- the Deniers Part X
End the chill -- The Deniers Part XI
Clouded research -- The Deniers Part XII
Allegre's second thoughts -- The Deniers XIII
The heat's in the sun -- The Deniers XIV
Unsettled Science -- The Deniers XV
Bitten by the IPCC -- The Deniers XVI
Little ice age is still within us -- The Deniers XVII
Fighting climate 'fluff' -- The Deniers XVIII
Science, not politics -- The Deniers XIX
Gore's guru disagreed -- The Deniers XX
The ice-core man -- The Deniers XXI
Some restraint in Rome -- The Deniers XXII
Discounting logic -- The Deniers XXIII
Dire forecasts aren't new -- The Deniers XXIV
They call this a consensus? - Part XXV
NASA chief Michael Griffin silenced - Part XXVI
Forget warming - beware the new ice age - Part XXVII
- The Corporate Climate Coup, by David Noble (Znet, May 8, 2007)
- Top Scientist Debunks Global Warming, by Simon Kirby (The Australian News, April 11, 2007)
- Media Alert-Pure Propaganda-the Great Global Warming Swindle-The Scientists Are the Bad Guys, by Media Lens, March 14, 2007. This argues against a video that challenged the "man is causing global warming" hypothesis; a broken link to the video in included. The video was originally at YouTube, which now says that "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Wag TV." Here is the UK's Channel4 synopsis of the film, which they broadcast.
- Climate Change: As Old as the Hills (Metro newspaper)
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler
video "The Overpopulation Myth"
- We were wrong on peak oil. There's enough to fry us all, by George Monbiot
- Leaflet about shutting down the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor, by People for Democratic Revolution
- U.S. Nuclear Storm Brewing by Mike Griffin
- How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiation, by Helen Caldicott (also available here)
- Algae: 'the ultimate in renewable energy' by Marsha Walton, CNN
- Governments Have Been Covering Up Nuclear Meltdowns for Fifty Years to Protect the Nuclear Power Industry
- Public Comment at the Hearing of the Energy & Utility Regulation Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, February 17, 2009 to accompany power point presentation: Nuclear Power – Health and Safety Issues by Morton Skorodin, M.D.
- Oil from Algae? (A webpage portal.)
- Oil Shortage a Myth, Says Industry Insider The Independent, June 9, 2008
- Video: Vertical Algae biofuel Growing "One tenth of the state of New Mexico could meet all of the energy demands of the entire United States"
- "Richard Heinberg on Abiotic Oil" August 29, 2004 (challenges the idea of abiotic oil and defends the idea of peak oil)
- "Peak Oil - True or False" by Stephen Lendman in the Baltimore Chronicle, March 6, 2008
- "Confessions of an "ex" Peak Oil Believer," by F. William Engdahl, September 14, 2007
- "The New Pessimism About Petroleum Resources: Debunking the Hubbert Model (and the Hubbert Modelers)
- The Evidence That HIV Causes AIDS. This is the official statement of the United States government's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, updated February 27, 2003.
- The chemical bases of the various AIDS epidemics: recreational drugs, anti-viral chemotherapy and malnutrition, by Peter Duesberg, Claus Koehnlein and David Rasnick, J. Biosci, Vo. 28, No 4, June 2003, pg 383-412, Indian Academy of Sciences
- Duesberg and Critics Agree: Hemophilia Is the Best Test, Science, Vol. 266, 9 December 1994 pg. 1645-6
- NIAID/NIH "Evidence" Rebuttal: a rebuttal to the NIAID/NIH document "The Evidence That HIV Causes AIDS", by Robert Johnston, Matthew Irwin and David Crowe
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler