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We CAN Change The World: The Real Meaning Of Everyday Life (pdf)

This book (see more reviews here), by David G. Stratman, is now for the first time available online. The book: (a paperback) is also available for $3.00 plus $5.00 s&h.

If you wish to order more than 2 books, please email to find the shipping charge.

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Chapters (html) from We CAN Change the World concerning Marxism: Hope and Revolution, Communism and Counterrevolution and From Marx to Lenin.

We CAN Change the World


The People As Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II

by John Spritzler, challenges the "Good War" myth about WWII.

The "War on Terror" purports to be a "good war" just like World War II. But was World War Two in fact a "good war"?  This book says "NO."

It's available from (U.S)(Canada) (U.K.) (France) (Japan) (Austria) (Germany).


Contact the author of The People As Enemy, John Spritzler, at his email address:

 The People as Enemy


Newly published as a three-book series:

NO RICH AND NO POOR: The Populist Goal We CAN and Must Win and DIVIDE AND RULE: The "Left vs. Right" Trap and The Israeli Ruling Class Exposed: It Oppresses Ordinary Jews As Well As Palestinians

by John Spritzler

Available at Amazon in the US/Canada and UK.

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