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Video: Canadian Journalist on lies about Syria | December 9th 2016
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Belgium Bombing: The Missing Context, Facts & Interests
- The Geopolitics of World War III
- The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie. by John Pilger
- Netanyahu slips, Reveals reason for Opposition to Iran Deal by Juan Cole
The ISIS-US Empire – Their Unholy Alliance Fully Exposed
Rojava: only chance for a just peace in the Middle East?
Charlie Hebdo: Divide and Rule or Freedom of Speech?
The Kurds Forging A New Nation In Syria (It seems they are very egalitarian in the best sense.)
Egalitarianism breaking out in the Middle East?
The Covert Origins of ISIS (Useful background information)
- The Israeli attacks on the people living in Gaza have nothing whatsoever to do with protecting ordinary Jewish Israelis from Hamas's rockets. If Israel's rulers wanted to stop Hamas from firing rockets all they would have to do is stop their policy of violent ethnic cleansing of non-Jews (Palestinians) from the 78% of Palestine called Israel, and allow the Palestinian refugees (80% of the people in Gaza are refugees from southern Israel) to return to their homes and villages inside Israel and live as equals under the law with Jews and have their property that Zionist stole from them in 1948 returned. If Israel's rulers did this--in other words if they acted with simple justice instead of carrying out racist ethnic cleansing--then virtually all Palestinians would consider anybody who continued to try to kill anybody just because they were Jewish as a criminal, and Palestinians--on their own!--would arrest and try for murder anybody who killed a person just because they were Jewish. But Israel's leaders won't stop their ethnic cleansing, because ethnic cleansing is how they foment a war of Jew versus non-Jew, and they need this war to continue because it is how they get ordinary Jews to obey them as protectors against "the Arabs." This is how Jewish billionaires and generals and politicians rule over, dominate and oppress ordinary Jews in Israel, by violently attacking ordinary non-Jews to foment an Orwellian war of social control. The Zionist excuse for the ethnic cleansing is a racist lie--that all non-Jews are innately anti-Semitic (covertly if not overtly) and therefore Jews cannot live safely with non-Jews. If this were true, Jews in the United States would be unable to live safely there, which is obviously not the case. The Israeli ruling class has nothing but contempt for ordinary Israeli Jews and their welfare. It wants ordinary Jews to die at the hands of apparent anti-Semites in order to keep Jews so fearful of "the Arabs" that they will obey the Jewish billionaires and generals and politicians who are driving them down economically with the same kind of economic inequality in Israel that exists in the United States.
- Odessa: Ukraine’s Waco Kiev fascists show their faces by Justin Raimondo, May 05, 2014
Raging with the Machine: Robert Fisk, Seymour Hersh and Syria, by Yassin al-Haj Saleh
- 101 injured, 29 arrested in Madrid as anti-austerity march turns violent
- If one wishes to ignore that the rulers of both the United States and Russia are agents of an upper class of billionaires who screw their own people, and if one limits one's attention to the rivalry between these two upper classes, then yes, for sure, of the two, the American ruling class is very arguably the most aggressive, the most hypocritical, the most invasive of the other's "backyard," the most grasping, the nastiest and so forth.
But so what? Does that mean we should support the Russian billionaires as they dominate and oppress and exploit ordinary Russians (and Crimeans, I guess soon)? Should we place over the heads of these Russian billionaires and their agents in the Russian government an "anti-imperialist" halo and defend their honor against the aspersions of the American rulers?
I say no! Let us side instead with the people who are not dominating and oppressing and exploiting others, even if they are Russian and even if they are Americans who do not control any government.
- A Nation Is Not a Person: Now Let's Talk About Ukraine
- POI Articles about Ukraine
- Everything you know about Ukraine is wrong by Mark Ames
- An Open Letter on the Situation in Venezuela, to the comrades of the FEL and El Libertario by nosotroslospobres
- Coup in Kiev by Justin Raimondo
An anarchist perspective on the protests in Venezuela, by Rafael Uzcátegui on February 22, 2014 [Please read the comments to this article, which sharply challenge its view. Note that this article and the one below flatly contradict each other about whether the government of Venezuela controls the television stations.]
- by ROAR Collective on December 4, 2013
Syria: Here's what we know for sure. 1) President Assad, whether he used chemical weapons or not, is a ruthless dictator, a bad guy, and by no means deserving of support. His support comes from Syrians of certain ethnic groups whom he protects from other Syrians of other ethnic groups as he foments fear and mistrust between ethnic groups to divide and rule, playing some ethnic groups against others. 2) Millions of ordinary Syrians genuinely want a more equal and democratic society in Syria, and they are the good guys. 3) Some foes of Assad (i.e. some of the "rebels") are no better than Assad, and they can be referred to as anti-Assad bad guys. 4) President Obama, whatever his specific intentions regarding Syria, acts in behalf of the American plutocracy (Big Money) and his aims are to strengthen the power of the plutocracy over ordinary people everywhere in the world. Obama's intervention(s) in Syria should be opposed! 5) In the spirit of international working class solidarity, we should support the millions of ordinary Syrians in their efforts to make a more equal and democratic society, and to defeat those with the opposite aims, which includes Assad and the anti-Assad bad guys. 6) The best way to support the good guys in Syria (whose organizations and, if they exist, military forces are difficult to know a lot about) is to fight the bad guys in our own nation (the Big Money ruling elite) whom we know a lot about. Why? Because the bad guys of the world, no matter what conflicts there are among them, stand together in opposing all efforts of the good guys to make a more equal and democratic world. To succeed, we need to remove the bad guys from power in every nation that they rule.
Hebron-style: Israel soldiers' dance with Palestinians angers top brass [
When soldiers in the oppressor's military forces start to fraternize with the "enemy" this way, it starts to make revolution truly possible. This article is about a small scale and limited kind of fraternization, but it provides a glimpse of what can become a much larger scale refusal to obey orders to kill (i.e. to kill people one has been dancing with) people that the oppressor labels the "enemy."]
China in Revolt (a close look at workers on strike during the last several years, and indications of changes to come as factories relocate to the western part of China.)
Rousseff's popularity plummets in wake of Brazil protests [excerpt: "The poll also asked Brazilians if they were in favor of the protests, the largest to hit Brazil in two decades. Eighty-one percent of respondents said they support the demonstrations. Asked if the protests had resulted in positive changes, 65 percent said yes."}
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