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Culture & Values
Click here for links to articles about culture and values that do not necessarily reflect the views of New Democracy but have useful information on this topic.
Articles that reflect New Democracy's views:
- The Famous "Stanford Prison" and Yale "Obedience to Authority" Experiments
- Bernie Sanders & Dwight Eisenhower & Taxing Billionaires
- Jimmy Carter: Myth vs. Reality
- The "National Interest" Is a Bogus Concept
- The Democratic and Republican Parties Serve the Same Plutocracy, But in Very DIFFERENT Ways
- A 'Neutral Press" Is a BAD Idea
- Separation of Church and State is a Bogus Concept
- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Explanation that Jim Crow Harmed Working Class Whites As Well As Blacks
- This is How Jim Crow Was Used to HARM, Not Benefit, the Poor Whites of the South
- How to Create Some Angry Young White Men
Sometimes a "Trivial" Issue Isn't Trivial at ALL
- Drag Queen Children's Story Hours in Public Libraries
- An Illustration of Leftist Contempt for Ordinary People
- How the Jim Crow Laws Harmed the Poor Whites in the South
- The 'Radical 60s' Versus Today: Why the Change?
- If You Think the Purpose of Government Propaganda Is to Make People Believe It, You're Wrong
- What "New Math," Transgender "Bathroom" Laws, and Affirmative Action All Have in Common
- Leftist I-93 Blockers: What Did They Intend to, and Actually, Do?
- When Did the U.S. Government Start Being Hostile to Ordinary Americans?
- My Thoughts about 'Holocaust Denial'
- Be a Good Republican and Support Occupy Wall Street (written in December 2011)
- The New Jim Crow (this is not a stand alone article; it's just for reference)
- Why "Pick On" Israel? Here's Why (written in 2006)
- Bill Gates Is Not a Benign Philanthropist, Quite the Contrary
- Sibling Marriage and the Law
- Yes, We Have the Right to Limit Immigration to the USA, and the Duty to Not Abet Oppression
- How the Ruling Class Sets Progressives Up to Fail
- Three Questions For Those Who Want To Deport Illegal Immigrants from Mexico and Central America
- Book Review: They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of Whites in Early America, by Michael A. Hoffman II
- Who Listens to Conservative Talk Radio?
- Illegal Immigration and What Americans Should Do About It
- The Pernicious Change in Hollywood's Films
- Liberal Arguments for Equality are Not Persuasive; Egalitarian Arguments Are
- Mass Shootings & False Flag Conspiracy Theories
- The Way to Stop a Race War is NOT by Taking One Side In It
- Here's How the Ruling Class USES the Left
- Right and Wrong Ways for Pro- and Anti-Trump People to Unite
- Kneeling for the National Anthem
- America's Liberal Establishment Has Done the Heavy Lifting to Recruit Working Class Whites Into White Supremacist Organizations
- Why Many Have-Nots Don't Like the Left
- What's the Definition of 'Racism'?
- Freedom of Association
- Thinking about the Brain Thinking about Changing the World, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- "The Right to Free Speech" is a BOGUS Concept
- Free Speech, Fear and the Primitive Human Brain--the intrinsic dangers of social hierarchy, by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- If Progressives Were for 'No Rich and No Poor' They Wouldn't Have Lost the Working Class: But They Weren't, and They Did
- Trump's Secret Weapon: Well-Intentioned Progressives
- The U.S. Government Secretly Backs ISIS: Links to the Evidence
- What's Our Response to Bannon's War on Islam?
- Proof the Ruling Class DELIBERATELY Manufactures "Social Issues" to Divide and Rule Us
- How the Ruling Class Uses the Abortion Issue to Divide-and-Rule
- Women's March 2017: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
- The Liberal Racist Offensive in Boston Today
- How the Left Drove 53% of White Women to Vote for Trump
- Nationalism: Good or Bad?
- Exposing Murderous Police Can Enlighten White People by Dr. Nayvin Gordon
- Are Europeans Just Naturally Racist Oppressors?
- Beware of the Universal Basic Income
- The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry--a Book Review
- White Nationalism's Crackpot "Science"
- The Clinton/Trump Team
- How Western Elites Have Projected the Sins of the West Onto Muslims
- What About the Mass Muslim Immigration of Refugees?
- What Do "White Supremacists" Believe?
- Links to Some Facts about Muslims & Islam
- Why Trump Can Call for Lowering U.S. Wages and Still Expect to Win the Election
- "From Capitalism to Egalitarianism, the Missing Link: Hierarchy, not Money, is the Root of All Evil" (pdf) by Nayvin Gordon
- We Need THIS, Not Affirmative Action
- The Dangerous Naiveté of the American Left
- How Leftist Criticism of America's Rulers Plays Right Into the Hands of Rush Limbaugh & related: The "Logic" of the Left Leads Literally to Terrorism
- Pro-Same-Sex Marriage "Young Turks" Unwittingly Argue Against Same-sex Marriage
- The Same-Sex Marriage Elephant in the U.S. Supreme Court Chamber
- Massachusetts Governor's Proposed State Budget: "Let's Spend the Crumbs They Give Us This Way"
- Rudi Giuliani and Barack Obama team up to play the divide-(by-race)-and-rule game
- It's Not the Snow, It's the Dough
- Racial Discrimination Against Non-Whites is Rampant and Harms Working Class People of ALL Races
- Are You a Progressive or a Revolutionary?
- Boston Police Commissioner Evans's Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
- Charlie Hebdo: Divide and Rule or Freedom of Speech?
- Democracy Versus Sharia* (This is a simpler article than the one with the same title but no asterist.)
- Refuting Bill Maher's and Sam Harris's Demonization of Muslims
- Why Progressive Organizations Don't Advocate Egalitarian Revolution
- Stand Your Ground Law: How Has it Been Used in Florida?
- Here's Where the Illegal Immigrant/Refugee Children Should be Sent
- Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn’t Explain Poverty, by Stephen Steingerg in Black Agenda Report
- Is it a 'Privilege' to not be Discriminated Against?
- Where'd All the Damn Money Go?
- Why the U.S. Announced It's Seeking the Death Penalty for the Boston
- What about Rush Limbaugh?
- Video: This makes it pretty clear that the role of police--determined by their commanders at the top of American society whether individual rank and file cops like it or not--is to terrorize the public, especially the poorest, to maintain the terrible economic inequality of the U.S. on behalf of the American corporate and political ruling elite.
- Video: local TV anchors all over America reading from exactly the same script; and more here.
- American Christian Zionism in Perspective
- Why Our Rulers Killed MLK, Jr. and Malcolm X: Remember This As We Commemorate the 1963 March on Washington
- How the 18:1 Law Makes the War on Drugs Racist
- 80% Black Detroit Under Attack: Mr. Obama, Whose Side Are You On?
- Obama's Disingenuous "Speak Out" on Trayvon Martin
- Zimmerman Acquital: Racism, or Reasonable Doubt?
- Myths about Slavery & Racism
- British Teen Lays Waste British Family Court
- Video: When female privilege backfires (by GirlWritesWhat)
- A Misunderstanding about "Patriarchy"
- A Ruling Class vs. Revolutionary Response to Prostitution
- How The Nation Magazine Makes the World Safe for the Plutocracy
- Anomalies in the FBI's Account of the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Why and How Big Money Promotes "White Privilege" Rhetoric
- Glenn Greenwald: Only Half Right about the Boston Marathon Bombings
- Black-hair-archy
- True or False: An Injury to One Is an Injury to All?
- Misandry: An Obstacle to Solidarity Between Men and Women
- The American Public's Outrage at Commodification
- Video: Neoteny by girlwriteswhat about evolved gender differences
- Spanish feminist establishment is shaking, by Lucian Valsan
- The People Versus Virtually the Entire Corporate-Political Elite: Can You Guess What the Issue Is?
- Video: Dr. Janice Fiamengo at U of T. What's Wrong With Women's Studies?
- Video: Child Abuse: Conspiracy of Silence
- Beware of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Fearmongering
- Video: Feminism and the disposable male, by girlwritesthat. This is one of many video talks on this blog: Girlwriteswhat's blog "one woman's quest for gender equality"
- Video by Girlwriteswhat about Eve Ensler (author of "The Vagina Monologues") and her "Patriarchy" feminist theory: click here, and then scroll down about 1/6 of the way to the video under the phrase, 'Transcript of "Are the Vaginas in the House?"' : the video is titled, "Are the Vaginas in the house?"
- Guns and the Working Class
- How Convenient for Our Rulers that We're Debating Arming Teachers
- N.R.A. Critics: Why So Much Vitriol?
- Michael Moore's Christmas Letter: Half Right and Half Very Wrong
- Newtown, Aurora: Skepticism is Warranted
- An Open Letter to Those Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage
- Video: In France, anti-gay marriage voices emerge — from gays
- Look Who's Telling Us to End the Oppression of Women: PBS's 'Half the Sky', by John Spritzler
- The Capitalist Big Lie about Human Nature, by John Spritzler
- Why Some People Insist that Twice Two is Five, by John Spritzler
- My Father Was an Anonymous Sperm Donor, by Katrina Clark [excerpt]
- Democracy Versus Sharia, by John Spritzler
- Did Poor Whites Vote for the Racist Jim Crow Laws of the South? by John Spritzler
- What I Learned from Republican Propaganda by John Spritzler
- Gun Control? by John Spritzler
- ACLU Defends KKK Free Speech: Right or Wrong? by John Spritzler
- The "Illusion" of Free Will? by John Spritzler
- Review of Rich Siegel's musical CD, "The Way to Peace" by John Spritzler
- Legalizing Same-sex Marriage: What is at Stake? by John Spritzler
- Why Are Families Under Attack? by John Spritzler
- Worshipping a Strange God by John Spritzler
- Why They Voted for Obama But Against Same-Sex Marriage by John Spritzler
- Stop Iran's Execution of Three Gay Teenagers by John Spritzler
- "Marriage Matters" by Maggie Gallagher (a link to National Review online)
- A Reassessment of Gaylib by Simon Jones
- Liberalism's Contempt for the Welfare of Children by John Spritzler
- Race and Class in Civil War Mississippi by John Spritzler
- The White Cop and the Black Professor by John Spritzler
- Banning Cigarette Sales, and Class Inequality by John Spritzler
- "Why They Voted For Obama But Against Same-Sex Marriage" by John Spritzler
- What Is a Liberal to Do? by John Spritzler
- "Judges Run Wild" by Ned Holstein
- How the Same-Sex Marriage Issue Cripples the Anti-War Movement by John Spritzler (August 2004)
- "George Bush, The Anti-Family President" by Bill Kauffman. (October 27, 2003).
- "Higher Education Free For All?" by John Spritzler -- taking Jim Hightower to task for promoting big business's lies about education (NDN* May-August 2002)
- "War Or War?" by Carolyn Chute (NDN* November 2001 - February 2002)
- Editorial: "Ordinary People" (NDN* July-August 2001)
- "Billionaires, Crime and Corruption"by John Spritzler (NDN* September-October 2001)
- "Violence Peace Reason Force"by Carolyn Chute (NDN* March-June 2001)
- "Making Connections" by Dave Stratman (NDN* Jan-Feb 2001)
- "Poll Shows Americans Want Global Solidarity, Not Competition"by John Spritzler (NDN* March-June 2001)
- "The Kids Are All Right - They're Fighting The Corporations" by John Spritzler. (NDN* January-February 2001)
- Editorial: "High Stakes Testing: Why Are They Doing This To Our Kids?" (NDN* May-June 2000).
- An interview (sort of!) with Carolyn Chute, redneck author of the bestseller, The Beans of Egypt, Maine. (NDN* March-April 2000)
* "NDN" indicates that the article is from the New Democracy Newsletter.
Articles by Dave Stratman
Articles by John Spritzler
Turn the World Upside Down (John Spritzler's blog #1)
End Class Inequality (John Spritzler's blog #2)
We CAN Change the World: The Real Meaning of Everyday Life by Dave Stratman
The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II by John Spritzler